Fortis Early Warning Radar system
Being really pro-active means stopping the threat (or recognizing it) as far away from yourself as possible. Read that again – as FAR away from yourself as possible.
Current systems do that to a certain extent, but for agriculture, stock theft, mines and farm attacks, you really need to know when the perpetrators are advancing towards you. Being warned once they breach the perimeter leaves you little to no time to react.
This is where the Compact Surveillance Radar fills the gap completely. These systems were designed specifically for mobile Special Forces units in war zones. A Special Forces team could patrol, then set up their Compact Surveillance Radar system when setting up a temporary base. The Compact Surveillance Radar would be scanning the lead-up to the temporary base for advancing enemy, warning the Special Forces team well in advance and leaving them enough time to be prepared to meet the threat head-on.
This technology is now available for the civilian market – imagine the applications!